General terms

I. General

1.1. The affected parties

A user is any visitor or user of the content of this website.
The website (also mentioned as owners) and its contents are the property of CoolWorks 


1.2. Subject

These general terms and conditions are a binding agreement between the representatives of this website and its users. Every user of the website needs to comply with the current conditions and Bulgarian law. If the users do not wish to accept the terms, they should stop visiting the website and using its content, otherwise the terms are considered to be accepted. The use of the site, as well as the actions taken by the user as a consequence, other damages, payments or lost profits are the sole responsibility of the user. The same applies to the consequences of the inability to access the site's content. In the event that the rights of the website or the current terms are violated by the user, access to the content of the site may be denied or restricted without notice. 


1.3. Awareness

This website provides, in regulation with European and Bulgarian law, the opportunity to inform its users about the current terms and conditions as well as the conditions for protection and use of the personal data through a clearly visible message with links to the aformentioned. The duration of the consent is determined by the audience, the type and the theme of the site. Users always have the opportunity to withdraw their consent.

It is the duty of the user to know and inform about these terms and conditions as well as the personal data policy of the website.

The terms and conditions, the content, and the privacy policy are subject to change in case of an error, correction or inaccuracies. Upon a general set of adjustments, it is possible for the user to be asked to agree again with the changes, even if the prior consent is still valid, in order to ensure the highest possible level of security and awareness.


II. Rights and obligations

The content on this website is provided for use only for legitimate purposes and is owned by its agents, third parties with whom additional agreements have been concluded or permission to work with their materials is requested. The use, copying, modification or provision of information or parts of this website, its program code, design and functionality of third parties / systems is prohibited without the written consent of the content / website owners. Exceptions are possible only for the law-enforced frames - for personal use or in order to inform third parties about the content provided by the website, as this happens without harming the rights of the content owners.

The user is under the obligation not to use the contact or feedback forms as well as other functionalities of the site for violating the functionality, integrity, content and purpose of the site or to use the site to collect information or to send false messages from the name and contacts of this site or its users.

III. Third-party links, ads, and content

There may be hyperlinks / links to other websites, graphic images provided by advertising, users, as well as third-party content / content. The latter are not the responsibility of the website and are not a party to these terms and conditions. Content is provided only for the benefit of the user and should not be in conflict with the current general terms and conditions. In the event that you notice such content, that due to a technological error or a third-party change do not meet the requirements, you may notify us using any of our contact methods provided on the website.

Third-party links to the website are allowed in cases where they do not violate the dignity and interests of the website and it's owners. If you want to advertise, add a link from your page / brochure or other medium to this website, please contact us.

IV. Personal details

The data provided by the user to this site is used to respond to inquiries made by him, such as site improvement, user contact, marketing and statistical purposes, accepting queries and sending services to users, etc.

By submitting a contact / request form, the user agrees to provide the data needed to contact him / her. Feedback has no exact due because it depends on the subject of the query / request and other factors, such as filing times and so on. Except in extraordinary cases or due to technical impossibility, the user will receive an answer as soon as possible. A response will not be provided if the content of the query is malicious, vulgar and similar.

The privacy policy is part of these general terms and conditions for the website in order to distinguish and clearly underline, in relation to the legal framework, the right of the consumer to provide personal data.


V. Conclusions

Contracts and agreements between website owners and site users take priority in case of a conflict with these terms and conditions.

Parts of the site may have additional terms of use or access restrictions.

For any issues not settled with these General Terms and Conditions or our privacy policy, applies the Bulgarian law.

VI. Changes to terms and conditions

Website owners reserve the right to modify the current terms of use without prior notice.

If you believe that the terms and conditions of the site have been violated, please contact us using one of the contact methods listed on the site.